Tuesday, April 5, 2016

What's On My List? Small Goals for April

I'm the queen of list-making. I can plan & come up with perfect-on-paper solutions all day long.  When it comes to actually getting the things on my list done though, I struggle.  I get busy, get lazy or just plain forget about my to-dos & then weeks later I sulk about all the things I should've accomplished.  It's frustrating & it's become a silly little loop I've gotten myself into.

When I saw Nicole's April small goals post on her blog, Writes Like a Girl, I was so inspired.  I love the idea of setting a few achievable goals for the month ahead.  She also includes a reflection on the previous month's goals, without the 'everything wasn't impeccable' guilt.

What a wonderful idea?  I like the accountability of putting your intentions online & the idea of working towards progress, not perfection.  I often shame myself if things aren't exactly what I envisioned & it's a hurtful cycle that needs to stop.  The world isn't without fault & I can't expect myself to be.  Plus, what fun would life be if everything happened exactly the way you thought it would?

I've decided to follow in Nicole's footsteps & create a few small goals for myself.  Do you make monthly goals?  If so, I'd love to hear what you're working on in April!

April Goals

  • Get Moving -- In 2016, I'm trying to focus on my health & one of the most significant ways to do that is to get more exercise.   I've been walking, going to YogaYoga for a few classes, shaking it with a Zumba DVD & even jogging the teeniest, tiniest bit, but I want to commit to doing something every day. This past weekend, I got the sweetest little cruiser bike & I'm excited to ride around the neighborhood!

  • Enjoy the Spring -- One of my favorite things about living in Central Texas is the spring wildflowers.  I'm obsessed.  My sister calls me an old lady, but I really like stopping on the side of the road or pulling in alongside an open field & taking photos.  I'm going to take this as an opportunity to work on my Digital SLR camera skills, too.  There is a poppy field in Fredericksburg that is calling my name.

  • Create & Stick to an Editorial Calendar -- This has been on my to-do list for a while now, but this month I'd really like to sit down & spend some time planning out my blogs posts & coming up with some general direction for the next few months.  The other side to this coin will be actually sticking to the plan.  I'll need to hustle to make it happen, but I'm definitely up for writing, creating & cooking more!

  • Complete an Embroidery Project -- Last month I took a great Intro to Embroidery class taught by Allie Biddle, Bedthread Goods, at the Paper Craft Pantry.  I really enjoyed it & diligently worked on the bus, during my lunch break & even a couple of evenings to get my first piece (A sweet Marfa inspired teepee scene from class) finished.  Now, I've got tons of ideas swirling in my head about what I could make next.  I may have even bought some fun fabric/thread for a few projects.  I want to commit to a simple, but fun design & get it done! 

  • Make My Lunch the Night Before -- I don't know about y'all, but I am almost always running behind in the morning.  I hit the snooze button a couple of times & before I know it, I've left myself *just* enough time to shower, get dressed & grab a cup of coffee on my way out.  If my lunch is not completely made, packed & waiting in the fridge, I'm screwed.  Maybe I'll have a few snacks from my drawer for lunch, maybe a pastry & coffee or maybe I'll even spend way too much for something that doesn't taste great but is within walking distance.  All of these options are crap.  So, I'd like to commit to making lunch after dinner so that eating a good lunch is a non-thought. 


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